07-25 / 2024
Research Highlight - Jurassic Fossils Illuminate Early Mammals' Prolonged Growth
In a breakthrough discovery, paleontologists have unveiled new insights into the life history of early mammals, thanks to an exceptionally preserved j...
07-19 / 2024
Meeting Reports - Over 800 delegates participated in the 12th quadrennial North American Paleontological Convention
Over 800 delegates from around the world participated in the 12th quadrennial North American Paleontological Convention at the University of Michigan,...
07-12 / 2024
Research Highlight - 52,000-Year-Old Woolly Mammoth's 3D DNA Architecture Revealed
In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have successfully retrieved and analyzed the three-dimensional genome architecture from a 52,000-year-old wo...
07-12 / 2024
Research Highlight - Neanderthal-Modern Human Gene Flow over the Past 200,000 Years Revealed
In a study just published in Science, researchers have unveiled evidence of recuhhent gene flow between Neanderthals and modern humans over the past 2...
07-08 / 2024
Research Highlight - New Drill Core Evidence Challenges Understanding of Early Antarctic Ice Sheets
A recent study published in Science on July 4, 2024, by J. P. Klages and the research team, offers unprecedented insights into the Early Oligocene Gla...
07-04 / 2024
Research Highlight - New Giant Stem Tetrapod Discovered in Gondwana's Late Palaeozoic Ice Age
In a groundbreaking discovery published online in Nature, researchers have unearthed a new giant stem tetrapod, Gaiasia jennyae, in early Permian-aged...