Article IX.Finances

(1) Membership fees and durations shall be determined by the Executive Committee, approved by the Council, laid down in the By-Laws, and published on the IPA web site. 

(2) The Executive Committee is empowered to appoint regional collectors in any country to aid the Treasurer in the collection of dues. 

(3) IPA is empowered to request and receive additional funds from organizations or individuals to further its aims as laid down in Article II. 

(4) The funds of IPA shall be held in custody by the Treasurer. 

(5) Funds shall be deposited in banks or postal accounts in the name of IPA and shall be readily available for the activities of IPA.?At least one such account shall be opened in the country in which the Treasurer resides.?Additional accounts may be opened in other countries. 

(6) The Treasurer may be empowered to disburse IPA funds in any way that the Executive Committee may decide, to further the aims of IPA as stated in Article II. 

(7) The Treasurer, the President, and the Secretary-General shall each have the signature of the account. 

(8) The accounts of IPA shall be balanced as of 31st December each year. 

(9) The Executive Committee is responsible for appointing two auditors who are not members of Council to audit each year the accounts of IPA. The report of the two auditors shall be recorded together with the Treasurer's Report.